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FAQs & Policies

Policies and Procedures
You must agree to these terms and conditions to complete registration. 

  1. Social Media Policy: Arkansas Spartans Elite Youth Sports WILL NOT condone any negative comments and/or actions aimed towards our organization, our affiliates, players, coaches, officials, parents or volunteers on ANY social media network or sites (ex. Facebook or Instagram). The following rules will be implemented and enforced. 1st offense: Warning. 2nd offense: 1 Game Suspension. 3rd offense: 1 season suspension. The Arkansas Spartans Elite Youth Sports reserves the right to skip disciplinary steps when a violation occurs.                                    

  2. Grade/Behavior Policy: Any grades below a C for Interim/Report Cards and any unsatisfactory behavior issues reported to the coaches will result in missed playing time by players and cheerleaders.

  3. There are absolutely no refunds.

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